St.Xavier Bulletin

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Friday, December 30, 2005

Octave of Christmas: The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

January 1st, 2006
    Today we continue the celebration of the Christmas season as we mark the eighth day since the birth of the Lord. We are told that the shepards find Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus at the manger. These shepards, become true evangelizers, making known the message of Jesus' birth. Let this celebration inspire us to share the good news of Christ's birth with all we meet.

    With the coming of the Lord Jesus, God has blessed the earth with the greatest gift:
Just as Mary reflects on the events surrounding Jesus's birth, so, too, do we ponder the many blessings God has showered on us. As the Scriptures are proclaimed, let us pray that this new year will see ever-new blessings of peace poured out on our weary world.

The Christmas Offering will be posted for the next bulletin.

Minding Our Own Business

"This world would be a much better place if everybody would just mind their own business," they said.
   On the street I saw a small girl, cold and shivering, in a thin dress, with little hope of a decent meal. I became angry and said to God, "Why did you permit this? Why don't you do something about it?" For a while God said nothing. That night he replied quite suddenly, "I certainly did something about it. I made you."
(Source unknown)

New Year's Blessing Prayer
For Clocks and Calendars

Lord, You who live outside of time,
   and reside in the imperishable moment,
   we ask Your Blessing this New Year's day
    upon Your gift to us of time.

Bless our clocks and watches,
    You who kindly direct us
   to observe the passing of minutes and hours.
May they make us aware of the miracle
   of each second of life we experience.
May these our ticking servants
   help us not to miss that which is important.
   while You keep us from machine-like routine.
May we ever be free from being clock watchers
   and instead become time lovers.

Bless our calendars,
   these ordered lists of days, weeks and months,
   of holidays, holydays, fasts, and feasts--
   all our special days of remembering.
May these servants, our calendars,
   once reserved for the royal few,
   for Magi and pyramid priests,
   now grace our homes and our lives.
May they remind us of birthdays and other gift-days,
   as they teach us the secret
   that all life
   is meant for celebration
   and contemplation.

Bless, Lord, this New Year,
   each of its 365 days and nights.
Bless us with full moons and new moons.
Bless us with happy seasons and a long life.
Grant to us, Lord,
   the New Year's gift
   of a year of love.


Rev. Ed Hays,("Prayers for the Domestic Church")

     Each parish is a FAMILY. Our Lord calls each of us into this community of Faith and Love. Just as our family at home experiences stages and particular needs, so does our faith community. We rejoice and struggle through every time and season. In the parish setting, our community gathers to celebrate the living presence of the Lord who is made present through the Mass and the Sacraments. We also celebrate through the proclamation of the Word and through one another, especially when we reach out in love for our sisters and brothers.
     Since we look to the future we give special attention to our children and young people. In a confusing world, we endeavor to give them the example of our own faith and love for Christ. Stewardship of Christ's Body, the Church says "I love you" to the Lord and to each of the members of our community. Stewardship is symbolic of our compassion, a way of "pouring oil and wine" upon the sick, the suffering, and those who simply need to hear the Word of God and experience the beauty of Christ's love.
     A reminder of our responsible Stewardship is that our gift to be proportionate to our income and, therefore, a sacrificial gift to the Lord. Thanks for your continued and proportionate gift giving.


The server for is having some problems of late, so I am in the process of changing hosting servers. If you would like a peek of my simpler format for the home page, click here. Let me know how you like it. Email the webservant at
Yours In The Service Of Jesus Christ; George McMillin.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Day, December 25th, 2005

     Our Advent Journey has come to its fulfilment as God gather us together to celebrate the birth of the Messiah. We come to this holy place to echo the song of the angels who greeted the newborn in Bethlehem. Let us lift up hearts and voices in a hymn of endless praise for the greatest gift ever given to the world. Let us open our hearts to receive our Messiah, the one who comes at this very moment in time to save us from sin and deliver us from the death of sin. In the person of the tiny child in the manger, the promise of salvation is made manifest. O come, let us adore him.

Father Al will be gone following Masses Christmas Day and will return on Wednesday, December 28th. For emergencies call Sister Mary Jo at 762-2599.

    We are again preparing to celebrate the glories of Christmas. What blessed people we are to know the love of God, and to be invited to remain in his midst forever.
    The celebration of Christmas encourages us to reflect upon God's greatest gift to us: His Son, a gift prompted by God's great love for us.
    May your festivities reflect the presence of a loving God. May you take this opportunity to speak your words of love to the Father and to each other. We invite you to use this time in a spirit of simplicity so you may know the love, the peace, and the joy of the Lord at Christmas.
    Let us extend a special word of thanks for all that you have been given and have shared during the past year. We pray that the wonders of Christmas will blossom into many blessings for you and your family.

Father Al, and the Parish Staff

Knights of Columbus News

The Annual K of C Free Throw Championship will be January 7th, 2006, at 10:30 am in the St. Xavier Gym.
Monthly Fellowship breakfast will be held January 8th.

Knight of the Month is Rick Teidel and Family of the Month is Gene & Jane Roberts.

Thank You Volunteers
    We thank our Volunteer Snow Removal Crew - Vern Hecker, John & Jason Gustafson, Larry Kramer and Barb Houser - please know your labor is greatly appreciated! If you would like to help (next time) please call Vern Hecker - We can use all the help possible.

Mr. Morris and all the school staff would like to wish all a very blessed Christmas and New Year.
School is out for Christmas Break until January 5th, 2006. The teachers will return January 4th for an inservice day.

No CCD or RCIA Classes until January 7th, 2006. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Sandy and Kurt Leistner and Sister Mary Jo Thummel.

has no body
now on earth
but yours,
no feet but yours...
are the feet
with which
he is to go
about doing good.
are the hands
with which
he is to
people now.

Saint Teresa of Avila

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Fourth Sunday of Advent; Dec. 18, 2005

    Our Advent waiting is nearly at an end. Today the angel Gabriel comes to Galilee and greets the Virgin Mary, and she accepts the invitation to become the mother of God's Son. Just as Mary welcomed the Son of God in her womb, so, too, do we welcome him in the midst of this assembly of faith.

    Today's readings are all about promises made and fulfilled. In the first reading the Lord God promises David an heir who will make his kingdom firm. In the Gospel that promise is fulfiled as the Blessed Virgin Mary, betrothed to Joseph of the house of David, says "yes" to the invitation to become the mother of Jesus. As the sacred word of God is proclaimed let us echo the words of today's responsorial psalm:
"For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord."

We welcome to our Christian Community, Chandler Elizabeth Bliss, daughter of Scott and Debra Bliss. May God bless you and your family.


If you have put someone on the prayer list and they now could be removed, please call the Parish Office at 239-2998. That is the only way we know when someone should be taken off. Thank you for your consideration.

Let us pray for the repose of the soul of James Moritz, who died this past week. Our sympathy and prayer go out to Darlene and all his family. May he find eternal rest in the arms of his Creator.

Adult Education

   Adult Education will be held at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Manhattan, KS. The topics and dates are:

Overview of the New Testament
- Sundays at 9:35 - 10:20 am.
The dates are January 8, 15, 22, February 5, 12, 19 and March 5, 12 in Room B.

The Book of Wisdom
- Mondays at 9:30 - 11:00 am.
The dates are January 9, 16, 23, 30, February 6, 13, and 20 in Room B.

Marriage Enrichment
- Wednesdays at 7:00 - 8:00 pm.
Please pre-register by calling the office (785-776-5151).
The dates for the series are January 25, February 1, 8, 15, and 22 in Room B.
Father Don Zimmerman and Wayne Talbot will facilitate the five session series.

Parish Foundation

Do you want to give a tax decutible gift? A gift to the St. Xavier Foundation will broaden the base of support. These contributions will provide additional interest income each year, making it possible for gifts to benefit the Church and School for years to come. If interested, please pick up a pamphlet at the entrance of the Church or call the parish office at 238-3429.

The shepards did not go to Bethlehem seeking the birth of a great man, or a famous teacher, or a national hero. They were promised a savior.

Thanks to all who helped make the Secret Santa Shop, that was sponsored by PTO, so successful. The children really enjoy buying gifts for their families and friends in secret. Special thanks to Chris Tanguay for heading up the shop as well as the following workers, Tracy Noetzelman, Juana Sanchez, Linda Pollock, Jackie Hecker, Sharon Griffin, Rosa Moore, Sue Todd, Elaine Becker and Chris Robison. We would also like to thank the freshman class for their help in partnering up with the kindergarteners to help them shop.
Merry Christmas to all from St. Xavier PTO!

Thanks to all who supported the Red Wheel product sales that was sponsored by St. Xavier PTO in November. Because this fundraiser was so successfull, we were able to add on to the landscaping on the playground. We hope to be able to do more on the playground and with your support, this will happen soon!

Saturday, December 17, 2005


At the website of St. Xavier Parish, I post the weekly bulletin at: Yet, I am now giving our parish the ability to receive it as an email “newsletter”. I am now offering the Parish Bulletin in a weekly mailing, directly to your inbox.

Visit (That is here.)


Friday, December 16, 2005

Christmas All Year Long

Why couldn't we have Christmas all year long?

Why couldn't we always be preparing for Jesus?